About Us
We're a friendly, family, community club which embraces every child's uniqueness whilst treating them all equally.

Abbey Gym Club was originally a section of the Buryfield Sports and Social Club of Great Missenden and started teaching "fun" gymnastics to 45 children in May 1984 at Gt. Missenden Memorial Hall. Fund raising events were organised to purchase 10 floor mats, and a safety mat. Other equipment was a home made floor beam and a borrowed spring board and vaulting box.
In Autumn of 1984 we moved to The Church of England School, as we needed to provide more classes to accommodate the growing number of children on our waiting list, and in March of 1985 the Chiltern District Council gave us a grant towards the purchase of equipment.
We remained at Gt. Missenden School until July 1987. During our time there we broke away from the Buryfield Sports and Social Club and became the Abbey Gym Club on the 1st January 1986.
In those early days we also held rhythmic gymnastics classes at Prestwood Junior School and sessions for more advanced girls at the Misbourne School. Unfortunately both these classes had to cease due to a reduction in the number of coaches.
Our next venue was at Little Kingshill School, where we stayed until July 1989. Our equipment was stored in an unused kitchen until it was needed as a science lab which unfortunately meant we lost our storage space, so we had to uproot and move again.
Determined to carry on - next stop Prestwood Junior School where we were made very welcome and have remained ever since.
Currently we now have 150 children, run classes Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, with a squad section running on Friday evenings. Our equipment comprises Asymmetric bars, full size beam, floor beam, trampette, spring boards, vaulting table and horse, safety mats and floor matting, and for each session this to be taken out of, and packed away into, a storage alcove in the main hall.
The strengths of the club are its volunteers; the parents who form the committee, the senior gymnasts who give back to the club by coming in to help coach the younger children, and the parent helpers who assist when they can in class..
Club Information
Click on button text to expand choice.

Prestwood Junior School
Clare Road
Prestwood, Great Missenden
HP16 0NR
Please note that class descriptions are indicative only, and may be changed to suit members needs.
4.15 - 5.00pm
Preschool 3+
5.00 - 6.00pm
Boys 6+
6.00 - 7.30pm
Mixed over 10
4.30 - 5.30pm
Mixed 5+
5.30 - 6.30pm
Mixed 6+
6.30 - 7.30pm
Mixed over 10
9.00 - 10.00am
Mixed 4-5
10.00 - 11.00am
Mixed 5+
11.00 - 12.00pm
Mixed 7+
Spring Term 2025
Mondays: Jan 13th - Feb 10th and Feb 24th - Mar 31st (11 sessions)
Wednesdays: Jan 15th - Feb 12th and Feb 26th - Apr 2nd (11 sessions)
Saturdays: Jan 18th - Feb 15th and Mar 1st - Apr 5th (11 sessions)
Half term (no sessions) week Feb 17th - 22nd
Like all charities we welcome donations etc.. but there are ways you can help as raise funds:
Pesky Pennies
Do you find those one and two penny, or even 5p, coins a nuisance?
We don't - indeed we love them!
Just bring them along to gym and we'll happily find a new home for them.
In fact we'll be happy to take coins, or notes, of any value
Helping The Club
There are several ways you can help:
The purpose of the Trustees is to ensure the Club adheres to it's charitable aims, and works within the aspects of the law that relate to the Charity.
Some Trustees have additional roles within the Club, but there is no need for a Trustee to take-on additional duties
Committee Member
The Committee is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Club, but not the actual coaching side
However you can be a committee member and still have another role within the Club.
Roles include, but are not limited to, Secretary, Treasurer, Waiting List Secretary and Uniform Secretary.
Help With Setup
Our equipment has to be set up before the first class every session. It takes about 30 mins, and is a good workout!
The more people we can get to help the easier it gets, and also we can then arrange a rota.
Helping coach the children is one of the most rewarding activities
Full training will be given, and the Club will pay for you to attend training courses.
We do not expect people to coach at all sessions - just as many as you can.
Any position that involves contact with children will require you to be DBS checked.
If you are interested in helping please talk to any coach or official of the Club, or contact us using this website's
contact form
Waiting List Form
Club Uniform
Younger Girls (school year 6 and below)
Any red-coloured nylon or crepe gymnastics leotard is acceptable. These are more suitable for younger children.

Older Girls
Wine (Red) Velour "Sparkle" Leotard from The Zone for older girls and for all squad members. Available with and without sleeves.
Matching gymnastics shorts, in wine or black, can be worn.

All items above can be ordered direct from The Zone.